Difference between hallmark and non hallmark

Difference Between Hallmark and Non-Hallmark Gold

Gold has held a special place in Indian culture for centuries. In Bengaluru, a vibrant city known for its rich heritage and modern spirit, gold continues to be a popular choice for personal adornment, gifting, and investment. However navigating the world of gold jewelry can be tricky, especially when it comes to understanding the difference between hallmark and non-hallmark gold.

This blog aims to empower you, the discerning buyer or seller in Bengaluru, with the knowledge to make informed decisions about your gold purchases.

Difference between Hallmark Gold and Non Hallmark Gold

Hallmark Gold: The Mark of Purity and Trust

Hallmark gold is gold jewelry that has undergone a rigorous testing and certification process by the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS). This government agency ensures the purity of gold as advertised by the jeweler. Here’s what makes hallmark gold stand out:

  • Guaranteed Purity: Each piece of hallmark gold is laser engraved with a mark indicating its purity. Common purity levels for hallmark gold jewelry include 22 karat (916), 18 karat (750), and 14 karat (585). This transparency ensures you receive exactly what you pay for.
  • Higher Resale Value: When the time comes to sell your gold jewelry, a hallmark serves as a trusted mark of authenticity. Gold Buyers are more likely to offer a premium price for hallmark gold due to its guaranteed quality.
  • Combating Fraud: Hallmarking helps combat fraudulent practices in the gold market. With a hallmark, you’re less susceptible to being sold low-purity gold at a higher price.

Non-Hallmark Gold Buyer Beware

No-Hallmark Gold

Non-hallmark gold hasn’t undergone the BIS certification process. The purity of such gold can be a mystery, relying solely on the seller’s word. Here’s why you should approach non-hallmark gold with caution:

  • Uncertain Purity: Without a hallmark, there’s no guarantee of the gold’s actual purity. You might unknowingly be paying for a lower karat gold at a higher price.
  • Lower Resale Value: Reselling non-hallmark gold can be challenging. Potential buyers might be hesitant due to unknown purity, leading to a lower resale value for you
  • Risk of Fraud: Since there’s no official verification, there’s a higher risk of being sold gold that is heavily mixed with other metals, significantly reducing its value.

Hallmark vs Non-Hallmark Gold: Choosing the Right Option

Now that you understand the key differences, let’s explore which option is right for you:

  • Buying Gold: When buying gold jewelry in Bengaluru, prioritize hallmark gold. This ensures peace of mind knowing you’re getting authentic, pure gold for your money. Look for reputable jewelers who sell BIS-hallmarked gold and ask to see the hallmark inscription on each piece.
  • Selling Gold: If you’re looking to sell your gold jewelry, the presence or absence of a hallmark might not significantly impact the price offered by a reputable gold buyer like Benaka Gold. We determine the value of your gold based on its weight and purity using state-of-the-art equipment, regardless of hallmarking.

Benefits of Buying Hallmark Gold from Reputable Jewelers in Bengaluru

Benefits of Buying Hallmark Gold

While hallmarking is mandatory for most gold jewelry sold in India, it’s still crucial to choose your jeweler wisely. Here’s why buying hallmark gold from a trusted jeweler in Bengaluru like Benaka Gold offers additional benefits:

  • Wider Selection: We offer a diverse range of hallmark gold jewelry designs, catering to various styles and preferences.
  • Competitive Prices: We provide transparent and competitive pricing for both buying and selling gold.
  • Customer Service: Our knowledgeable staff can answer your questions and guide you toward the perfect gold piece or ensure a smooth selling experience.
  • Reputation and Trust: At Benaka Gold, we’ve built a reputation for honesty and integrity in the Bengaluru gold market.

Investing in Your Peace of Mind

Ultimately, investing in hallmark gold jewelry offers peace of mind. You’re assured of getting genuine gold for your hard-earned money, with the potential for a higher resale value in the future. Whether you’re buying a stunning necklace for yourself or a thoughtful gift for a loved one, hallmark gold is the smarter choice.

Remember: When in doubt, always choose hallmark gold. Visit Benaka Gold, your trusted partner for all your gold buying and selling needs in Bengaluru. Let our expertise guide you towards a truly rewarding gold.

Check our other Blog: Selling Old Gold | Selling New Gold: Does It Matter When Selling Gold


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